Susan OrionTeacher and professional weirdo. Love to eat and read. If I can do them at the same time, I will. Just want people to have a place where they can laugh, reminisce, and connect!

Tell us about your book.

Detention Land is exaggerated TRUE stories of growing up in a place you feel trapped. Ultimately, it is about solving the deepest personal riddles of our mind.

What did you learn on your journey as an author?

Write what you know, write from your unique point of view. That’s your value add.

Would you self-publish again?

Yes! It is fun and rewarding to share stories, laughs, and conversations with people in a flexible way that Self-Publishing affords.

As a writer, what is your schedule? How do you get the job done?

I can’t sleep at night if I don’t write. So for the sake of sanity and REM, I just do it 🙂

What tips can you give other authors looking to self-publish?

Sell your car. It’s expensive. :S

Detention Land (Book 1) by Susan OrionWhat was your steepest learning curve during the publishing process?

Patience! You have to edit, edit, edit. It’s the only way to produce GOOD books.

Why did you want to write a book?

People loved hearing my stories so I decided to put them in writing, make more memories, reach more people.
Tell us about the genre you wrote in, and why you chose to write this sort of book.

I write YA because I have arrested development so it just makes sense.

Who are your biggest writing inspirations and why?

JD Salinger, John Steinbeck, Arthur Miller. They aced their crafts and they did it their own way. Total trailblazers. So much respect for these guys!

How do you deal with writer’s block?

When I get writer’s block, I get my students, hubby, or sisters to brainstorm with me or share their experiences with me. Inspiration is everywhere.

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