HouseDividedPeter G Pollack’s new international political thriller centers around Courtney, a student who decides to join the Students for Palestinian Justice (SPJ) group on her university campus, and her retired CIA father Leonard’s reaction to her decision. But when Courtney becomes a target for a planned bombing assignment hitting Jewish organizations, it’s up to Leonard and her mother Allison to try and save her before it’s too late.

With a dash of stories like The Honorable Woman, 24, and Rendition, and in the tradition of writers such as David Baldacci and John Grisham, this race against time tale will get readers hanging on for the ride, and feeling for Leonard as he tries to deal with his awkward and bolshy daughter along the way.

Looking at the American government’s role in the Israel – Palestine conflict starting with the explosion in a terrorist attack in Washington DC, themes of counterterrorism and family are explored in this tense and edgy book laid out in a quick-to-grab format with short choppy chapters making it a good read for thriller fans on the move, posing the question that all Americans might want to know the answer to: Can foreign conflict reach my family? My house? The answer in the case of Leonard’s family is a nail-biting “yes.”

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