Lyric Unbound by Tahlia Vale

A passionate and powerful first chapter of The Bridge Prophecy trilogy, Lyric Unbound by Tahlia Vale is a fantastical adventure of swirling destinies, sinister forces, and unexpected connections that enflame even the coldest hearts. Relentlessly stalked since childhood, Lyric Valen survives in the shadows and keeps her powers suppressed, but an unexpected bond with a mysterious Alpha named Riven finally forces her into the light. As the tireless hunters close in yet again, determined to seize her and fulfill a world-shaking prophecy, Lyric and Riven put their captivating bond to the ultimate test. Creative world-building, fast-paced drama, and steamy storytelling make this a compelling paranormal fantasy, which may be short in length, but crackles with high emotional stakes and delectable tension.


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