Angel of Oregon by James DobieHuman drama ripped straight from present-day life, along with a dash of the criminal and supernatural, Angel of Oregon by James Dobie is a twisted tale of healing and connection. This third installment of the Wallowa Lake series features familiar loves and vengeful villains back from the dead, tinged with a palpable contemporary urgency.

Nearly a decade after the night she was empowered with miraculous powers of healing, the mysterious figure who granted her those abilities returns. In the midst of a battle against an invisible monster ravaging her hospital and the world, Mia must once again grapple with the responsibility and risk of wielding an inexplicable gift.

Mia is a powerhouse protagonist who can more than capably carry the novel, but it is Dobie’s thorough development of the book’s secondary characters that buttresses the story, raising the stakes as the emotionally charged saga unfolds. From overbearing bosses and chosen family to unlikely partners and gentle giants, this story breathes with authentic life, eccentricity, and impossible decisions, as Dobie injects his accessible prose with well-timed humor and tightly curated tension.

While the story is occasionally heavy-handed in its revelations and “aha” moments, the rare inventiveness in this expanding series is undeniable, resulting in an edgy and thoughtful escape.

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