Interesting new review service.  It’s brand new, so no word on the quality of these reviews, and you can’t get a sense of who comprises the pool of reviewers when sending in your money.  But here it is:

How Works:

1. Reviewers sign up to receive review copies of novels in their favorite genres. reviewers are expected to review a reasonable proportion of the books they receive, and we read every review they submit to keep an eye on review quality and objectivity.

2. When you request distribution of review copies of your novel, we extend invitations to a select group of reviewers drawn from hundreds who have indicated a desire to review books in your genre. The invitations describe your book and provide a link for reviewers to request your book if they’d like to read and review it.

3. We send out review copies of your book (in MOBI format) to these reviewers on a first-come, first-served basis until at least ten reviewers post their reviews of your book.

Please note: is not a pay-for-review service. Our reviewers love to read in their favorite genres and they will write objective, sincere reviews that reflect their real opinions about your book. For more information, you can read our Reviewer Guidelines.

Pricing and Scheduling:

We charge an administrative fee of $49 per book to invite suitable reviewers to review your book, to distribute your book to those who have agreed to review it and to track to make sure at least ten reviews are submitted by reviewers.

It’s also a way for reviewers to get books to read…

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