Deadly Dilemma by Anthony GurleyA sprawling and uplifting memoir torn from a memory bursting with recollection, Deadly Dilemma by Anthony Gurley offers a healthy slice of nostalgic Americana and timeless wisdom.

From the Friday Night Lights of eastern North Carolina and the losing side of vicious internal battles to finding fulfillment and peace with the love of his life, this is a gem of an autobiography that captures snapshots of the past with remarkable clarity. Whether recounting his moments of self-doubt, reflecting on his relationship with faith, praising the sources of love in his life, or confessing to his own failings and weakness, the author fearlessly leaves no stone unturned or belief unexamined.

Putting powerful words to the painful truth of chronic depression and the creeping fear that we simply aren’t good enough, Gurley’s memoir exposes raw and relatable nerves with his vulnerable storytelling. The folksy and conversational writing style is both casual and compelling, peppered with intriguing tangents and anecdotes, as though the wandering text is the transcription of a lengthy yarn around a campfire.

Challenging readers to overcome their own demons, while also acknowledging the pain and difficulty of taking that sage advice, this memoir is a potent blend of well-aged wisdom and unapologetic self-reflection from a sharp and critical mind.

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