An elegant historical drama steeped in magic, mistrust, and unlikely alliances, Before the Coming Dawn by Steve L. Ririe is a mesmerizing second chapter of his As the Starlings Fly saga. After performing what some consider a miracle, the manipulative mayor of New Harmony is more popular than ever, but the sinister force whispering inside his head is eager to use that power for its malicious ends. At the same time, a string of murderous attacks stoke fears that threaten the town’s collective humanity, forcing the grieving Emily, LeFevre, and Marco to reveal the darker truth behind the monstrous horror. A macabre and expertly crafted piece of American historical fantasy, the twisting plot and indomitable protagonist combine for an enchanting adventure, and a fantastically original novel that will appeal to readers well beyond the genre, which can be saturated with overly familiar stories.
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