A practical and easy-to-follow guide for financial independence and future planning, 12 Steps to Eliminate Debt and Build Wealth: A Step-By-Step Guide to Become Financially Independent by Jay Rigler is a straightforward handbook for anyone struggling to make ends meet and prepare for the future. Drawing from his own experience with overspending and slipping into debt after college, Rigler offers a transparent and relatable peek into his choices, as well as the turning points that led him to develop his comprehensive yet common-sense plan. While the information can be a bit repetitive and the writing unpolished, the author doesn’t claim to be a professional financial advisor, but instead an average guy with a tried and tested method for achieving financial stability. This is indeed one of the book’s main selling points, as Rigler’s prescriptions are realistic and attainable in the real world. If you have a challenging relationship with money, this judgment-free solution from someone who has clearly “walked the walk” offers a candid and refreshing system for managing personal finances.
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Thank you for the thoughtful and comprehensive review! My favorite bit is the closing: “…a candid and refreshing system for managing personal finances.”
I couldn’t have said it better myself!