Living Law by Sid Martin

A contemporary guide to understanding the US judiciary, the Constitution, and the forces that seek to undermine them, Living Law: or, Why Are They Killing the Constitution? by Sid Martin is a sharp and essential read for Americans seeking clarity on the state of the judicial process, rather than endless spin. From America’s founding philosophies and the evolution of Constitutional rights to the originalism, hyperliteralism, cronyism, and corruption of the modern judiciary, this is a tenacious, timely, and unapologetic critique. Importantly, the book is bipartisan in its lens, fairly laying blame on both sides of the aisle, and the author does so in an attempt to educate and inspire awareness, rather than alienate or ridicule. In an age of misinformation and culture wars, this is a critical distinction, which gives the book’s conclusions the weight of truth, free of hyperbole.


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