A tale of impossible love that unfolds over centuries, The Reincarnation of Marie: A Love Reborn in Paris from the Pages of History by Jim Woodman is a fantastically original mix of historical and supernatural romance. Set in 1950s Paris, Yann – a lonely history student – finds an astonishing diary in a Parisian market written by a young artist who lived and died in the 1800s. His obsession with the diary leads to him falling deeply in love with Marya, a young art student, who he believes to be the reincarnation of the diary’s subject, but how can one be in love with a mere phantom? Charged with eroticism and passion, this is a tender, complex, and at times disquieting novel about love and infatuation, set against a charmingly drawn backdrop of historical Paris, made all the more evocative by the story being partly based on the author’s own life.
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