The third installment of a spectacularly creative series, The Reflection of the Raidin by Susan L. Markloff expands the adventures of the Human-Born to another world, as Jen Monroe continues her path as a chosen savior for the fantastical realm of Tillion, for a whip-smart and wildly entertaining continuation of the Human-Born Era series.
While avoiding the telepathic attention and attraction from the sinister Cregorous, life gets even more complicated for Jen when her unpowered friend Grant is summoned to Tillion by the Elders of Agerius. Recruited into the ranks of noble warriors, Grant folds into the group of prophesied Human-Born and their fierce protectors, the Zaheri, while fantasizing about developing his own hybrid abilities.
Knowing that another clash with Cregorous is inevitable, the seven human heroes dutifully train to unlock and master their powers in order to end the cycle of violence and war with the Caligans. Shielding her heart while protecting her allies, Jen faces one impossible choice after another, learning all too well the sacrifice and cost of total victory.
Teeming with sharp banter and authentic interactions between deeply developed characters, the prose in this sprawling novel runs at a quick clip, despite the impressive number of moving parts. There are occasional moments of heavy-handed exposition and inconsistency in quality and style, but Markloff has mastered the art of suspenseful fantasy storytelling.
Edging into more adult themes and higher-stakes conflicts than previous books, this standout series has matured in compelling and unpredictable directions, resulting in an epic new work of new adult fantasy.
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