A wartime noir thriller exploring the edges of New York City, O’Shaughnessy Investigations, Inc. by A.G. Russo is a sharply penned and wildly immersive murder mystery. When the dauntless Maeve O’Shaughnessy takes over the family detective agency while her brothers are away at war, the threat of failure forces her to choose strange bedfellows, such as a grouchy ex-cop who really knows how to take a punch, but she’s not afraid to take a risk or two. Following a spiraling series of clues from one end of New York to another, from blackmail plots to boxing rings, this unlikely pair of sleuths is believable, endearing, and perpetually entertaining. Laced with artful stretches of clever dialogue and subtle character development, the prose shines on every page, masterfully stretching out the tension until the final round.
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