A chilling, thought-provoking vision of a militarized and chaotic future, Ocellicon: Future Visions by A.G. Russo is a dramatic work of military sci-fi that takes on tough issues, which reflect the current world. Continuing a lifelong battle against those who underestimate her, Annalisa, a military Investigator of scarred and controversial origins, boldly dives into a murky murder case that puts her reputation back in the crosshairs. However, when a far greater enemy than injustice reveals itself, she will have yet another chance to prove her merit, both inside and outside the courtroom. At times, the declarative style of the prose steals the urgency and emotional weight from the writing, but Russo’s high-stakes plot moves along at a compelling pace, fearlessly diving into sensitive issues with subtlety and nuance, resulting in a complex, multifaceted read that challenges preconceptions about the meaning of justice, as well as expectations of the genre.
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