Alien Rebirth by Nick Snape

The fifth chapter in Nick Snape’s Weapons of Choice series, Alien Rebirth returns to its survival thriller roots as the heroic squad plunges into a new and dangerous world. While investigating an electromagnetic anomaly in a mining colony system seeded by the Haven, these liberators, warriors, and explorers are confronted by a faceless evil, one that has awakened from ageless slumber with a blind hunger. Navigating the political minefield of the Tiqsimuyu system, while fighting desperately against an annihilating force, this unexpected conflict could cost Finn, Zuri, Noah, and Yasuko everything, including their ship, their mission, and their lives, for a story that raises the stakes on previous installments. Visceral battle sequences weave expertly with rich character development, while the prose explores themes of ethical relativity, othering, political impotence, and moral courage. A final proofread would smooth the occasional rushed edge, but Snape delivers another superlative work of alien sci-fi.


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