L. Owen Paxton is a life-long free thinker and learner. After undergoing a deep personal transformation, he became devoted to the pursuit of truth in life and the living of it. Discovering that knowing your true personal identity is the key to your experiencing enlightenment, gave him the passion for making this vital, but hidden information accessible to all. Preferring to live in a natural setting, he lives in the northern Rockies within sight of the Grand Teton Mountains. He is married and has three adult children.
Acting on an inner calling, Paxton now shares his “Awakenings Leading to Enlightenment” method so that anyone and everyone who desires it can experience enlightenment, regardless of life’s circumstances.
Tell us about your book.
This book is a unique read. It’s not another rehash of the same old same old better life prescriptions. It immediately brings to you fresh, new, and usable perspectives for your life.
Your Little Big You Adventure takes you on your own personal exploration of consciousness. It will lead you to the very point of attaining a boosted consciousness. This is your personal transformation to a whole new level of joy and knowledge.
From birth on, we are all caught up in the same training, the same focus on that big world out there. What if the training was wrong? Or, what if we misunderstood the training? So young, all we could do is accept what we were taught. Can we now fix it? Right or wrong, we’re all living it out right now. It’s the cause of life dissatisfaction. We’ve just not realized it. And even when we do, we’re at a loss of how to fix it!
This book is like a customized escape room adventure. Like a prisoner within an escape room, you will search for the release from your limiting self-concepts. You will be given a sequence of clues to discover your true self. A successful escape will be the peak experience of your life. The only decision needed is: Do you want to escape your current personal limitations?
Don’t be fooled by the opinions of the so-called “experts.” Enlightenment is your human birthright. You are given all the steps to take, including the why, what, and how’s. It’s then up to you whether to transform your personal consciousness or to remain as you are. Your choice. To truly live life, you must find out who you really are above and beyond your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and even your physical body – this is enlightenment.
When living in enlightened consciousness, your hallmarks will be a life filled with true joy, freedom, and harmony. Much more than mere slogans or hopes based on religious or philosophical beliefs, these are known and felt deeply within. Imagine a complete renewal of mind with access to wisdom previously unavailable to you. Imagine a life that is filled with a newfound sense of freedom allowing any chosen aspiration to be realized! Enlightenment is not just available for an elite few gurus and sages. It is possible for everyone – including YOU.
Just do this for you. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Claim your birthright!
Why did you want to write a book?
To share something wonderful.
This experience that happened to me can happen to anyone and everyone. It was a sudden awakening to a whole new type of consciousness. Everything in my ordinary life instantly became a new, fresh, revitalized experience. It happened in an instant, like a bolt out of the blue. I exploded into a joyous state of being that I had never experienced before. My mind was completely static-free, the noise was gone, and the channel was perfectly clear.
Instantly, many things in my life suddenly made complete sense. Suddenly, I could now clearly see myself and the world. Many new insights appeared. This was my new consciousness, with an expanded awareness and knowledge that I had realized in an instant. It was pure joy. My passion is to make this vital but hidden knowledge accessible to all.
This book reveals it all. The process of discovering and knowing our true identity has been hidden and presented strangely. This book is the “made simple” guide to discovering your one true identity. You will live your life of joy that was meant to be yours all along.
Knowing your one true identity (enlightenment) is every human being’s birthright. This needs to be openly declared, the methods provided, and made widely available to any and all. Enlightenment favors the prepared mind. You can and should discover the method now!
Tell us about the genre you wrote in, and why you chose to write this sort of book.
It’s in the non-fiction genre because it’s based on actual events. Because it’s knowledge that came out of my own personal transformation. This “story” takes you on a journey that is every bit as entertaining as any great fictional work. What’s even better is because it is non-fiction it can be activated within anyone’s life, solving for them many, if not most, of their problems.
I was on a quest, making a search and study for many years, none of the authorities provided me with acceptable answers, none satisfied my desire to know for sure. No religious, philosophical, or any belief system provided the answers needed. Just a lot of stories to believe in, or intellectual arguments attempting to convince me what’s real, true. Because of the knowledge that came out of my personal transformation and synthesized with other key areas of knowledge, I finally got it sorted out and wrote it all down into an understandable and enjoyable read.
Your Little Big You Adventure is a down-to-earth plan for each and every one of us to have that rightful personal transformation that brings life renewal and joy!
Why did you write about this particular subject?
My view of consciousness is different, more inclusive than other limited views. Enlightenment and consciousness, and true identity are intimately connected. Realization of this immensely important connection is the highpoint of a human life. That’s why this knowledge needs to be openly declared, and the methods of its attainment provided, and widely known!
I’ve spent my lifetime in concentrated learning, deep study, and examining all facets of human consciousness and how to expand and enhance it. With the guidance of a Zen master, an Indian sage, and many other experienced advisors, to list a few, I’ve experienced successive profound awakenings of enhanced consciousness leading to the moment of enlightenment.
Acting on my inner calling, I’m now sharing the “Awakenings Leading to Enlightenment” method so that anyone and everyone can experience enlightenment regardless of your life’s circumstances.
What did you learn on your journey as an author?
For me, writing was a great challenge. What words could possibly be used to express what happened to me and what I learned? It turned out to be a labor of love.
Communicating the difficult topic about consciousness and how to activate its higher form into our lives was very hard. Accepting the challenge to author a book on personally transforming your consciousness turned out to be a way of deepening my own knowledge and understanding. That’s because an effective way to tell the story was needed. Making the necessity of listening to my own inner intuition and doing all the detailed pre-publication research to be accurate.
Hopefully, this book is a clear, concise, accurate, and adequate read for those ready to grow beyond what their consciousness level is today. As if all the time and effort of researching, organizing, and writing, making countless revisions isn’t enough, the entire self-publishing process has its own learning curve.
So, an equally large effort, if not larger, is required to actually get a book in front of your reader’s eyes. And now, listeners’ ears also, using audiobook technology!
What’s next for you as an author?
Book one, Your Little Big You Adventure, provides the individual’s prescription to escape his/her programming from the limited scope of birth consciousness. It focuses on all aspects of personal transformation. Its aim is to liberate the reader from the severely limited human conception of consciousness.
When the realization method is followed, the reader will witness a profound expansion of consciousness and will at last meet their one true identity. If not, the reader will at least gain an accurate intellectual understanding of what human expanded consciousness is all about. Once an individual accomplishes this, added knowledge about the realms of consciousness is hungered for.
Book two of this series is especially for the reader who has undergone the transformation of expanded consciousness. Book two has been sketched out and is currently under development with the working title “Consciousness at Play.” Creativity is a prime attribute of consciousness. Creativity and ‘play’ go hand in hand. The concept of play will be expanded to exciting new levels of understanding of the origin and future of our universe, and associated multiverses.
Book one provides the individual’s prescription to escape his/her programming from the limited scope of birth consciousness. “Consciousness at Play” will be an immensely powerful resource to satisfy that quest and provide plenty of new directions for exploration.
Book excerpt:
What is “Life” in and of itself?
Check the different dictionaries and encyclopedias, and you’ll find many trivial definitions.
It will soon become clear that nobody knows what life really is, or what death really is.
Unfortunately, the dictionary, science, philosophy, and religion are not very helpful, because none of them provide a complete answer. The key definitions provided to us by earth-world authorities, definitions we need most to understand, are vague or simplistic and not helpful.
Big important concepts common to all humanity, and all humanity has a need to know. Yet we all go on with daily life routines like there is nothing we need to know!
To have any chance of finding the truth, let’s cut through all the useless stories, opinions, religious beliefs and philosophical arguments. This can be done with a key question. At least with this key question about life, we have increased the odds of getting a real answer. The key question is:
What is the exact difference between a living human and a dead human?
What is missing from the dead body that the living body has?
The Answer to that Key Question?
Hint: It has to do with what the true nature of consciousness is. As Your Little Big You Adventure unfolds, the answers are sequentially provided to build the reader’s foundation to get the full impact of the answer that is revealed in the final chapter.
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