A modern guru of technological and societal dynamism, author Sri Manchala delivers a powerful and cutting-edge leadership manual in Crossing the Digital Faultline: 10 Rules Of Highly Successful Leaders In Digitalization.
Laid out in four intuitively ordered sections that explain the new paradigm of leadership, outlining rules for success, defining the personality of a methodical innovator, and laying out a path for applying the book’s critical lessons, Manchala makes it easy to consume his wide breadth of knowledge. From shifting consumer preferences and new avenues of digital access to disruptive technologies, evolving supply chains, international competition, and startup culture, this second edition is a comprehensive exploration of the current commercial landscape.
The titular theme of fault lines, earthquakes, radical change, and potential digital disaster gives the reading experience an unusual level of excitement, intensity, and urgency, making for a surprisingly energetic read. Beginning with the mega-crisis of the Tohoku earthquake and consequent nuclear meltdown at Fukushima, the stage is set to discuss massive upheavals at any level – leadership, belief, direction, technology, society, and others.
Unlike many other books in this business niche, American corporations are not the sole or primary examples of leadership, and this global perspective makes the information and advice feel less biased towards the traditional corporate titan of the world stage. The author highlights “Digital Champions” in the second section, and dissects what companies/CEOs have done to sustain their success over the fault line; stepping away from theory and into real-world practices is a convincing and encouraging tack for those who see their own “future shock” on the horizon.
While the overall focus on leadership is clear, there is value in this book for workers at any level, if only to better understand the forces affecting their employment and employer. Not only is this an accessible and digestible guide for leaders at any level of industry, but it also provides a practical playbook for executing some of this advice in a reader’s day-to-day business activities. Featuring both granular and macroscopic perspectives, there is a key balance of pragmatism and philosophy on display here, giving readers and leaders plenty to chew on, while also acting as a practical guide for leaders continuing their digital evolution.
Manchala’s experience as a leader in various settings gives the book a confident tone, without being patronizing, which is often a failing of books in this field. That said, there are some clichéd sections of self-help rhetoric in the prose, which feel obligatory, rather than revolutionary, but most of the sage advice feels useful. The contemporary nature of the book, which directly addresses the changes that the global pandemic has wrought on the digital sphere, also makes the guidance in the book feel more salient and timely.
On a technical level, there are very few areas that require improvement, aside from some lengthy sentences that can be difficult to follow, especially when thick with business jargon. The editing is otherwise meticulous, the personal anecdotes are concise and relevant, and the structure of the book is well-conceived, with the lessons and insights cumulatively forming a strong argument for leadership dynamism. The author’s big-picture perspective and invaluable experience make this a unique, impactful, and worthwhile guide for the challenges of today, and whatever changes might come next.
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