A Quantum Alibi by Liam Fialkov An eyebrow-raising legal thriller with a head-spinning sci-fi underbelly, A Quantum Alibi by Liam Fialkov is an original and timely novel.

Patrick Eldridge is a renowned scientist challenging the highest halls of scientific power, and everything we think we know about reality. Being in two places at the same time may be the perfect alibi for murder, but all is not what it seems. As the Eldridge family secrets are unearthed, the mysteries of the quantum universe take a backseat to the timeless follies of humanity, brotherhood, and mankind’s endless quest for greatness. Defying classification in a particular genre, Fialkov blurs the line of technology, science, and reality throughout this fast-paced tale.

While the premise of the plot is intriguing, it is not fully realized in terms of character and narrative arcs. The mind-bending world of quantum mechanics is fascinating, but it’s often glossed over, without the philosophical or existential musings that would fit perfectly in this type of book. The narrative moves quickly, with a definite endpoint in mind, as though the author was rushing to reach the conclusion. This results in an overall lack of character development, as well as a disjointed flow to some of the prose, particularly in the first handful of chapters.

That said, there are bursts of snappy dialogue, thought-provoking themes, and some unexpected plot twists, making this a rough-edged but enjoyable read overall.

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