Heaven's Door by J. Kilburn

A brutally raw and riveting look at the inner workings of a fictional Canadian biker gang, Heaven’s Door by J. Kilburn comes in swinging and rarely stops. This intimate crime thriller is gritty and relentless, as the reader spirals deeper into an unforgiving criminal underworld. Peppered with savage language, unexpected explosions of violence, and a slow burn of suspense, the stream-of-consciousness narrative feels experimental and manic, at times. Reminiscent of Hunter S. Thompson’s gonzo insurrection of the Hells Angels, Kilburn tosses readers into dark and messy fiction torn from real-life tales. A thorough edit would certainly improve the pace and flow, as some sections are redundant, difficult to follow, or tangential without reason. However, such wild storytelling is part of this novel’s raucous, dangerous power.


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