Author Lila Johnson and her trio of wild and openhearted women are back in The Fat Girls Club: Hawaii Five-No, another hilarious and globe-tripping installment of this one-of-a-kind series.

Sissy, Nicki and Angela find themselves in the strange webs of love, as always, despite being on different sides of the globe, yet they can always rely on one another when the tears start to flow and the stress starts to build. From impossible choices between very different lovers to the complications of gender politics and romance in the professional world, these women navigate their troubles together with grace, humor, and confidence that is continually inspiring.

The uniquely engaging feature of Johnson’s novels is that each of these focal characters brings such a different approach to romance and personal connection, giving readers a broad and concurrent perspective on intimacy and the different shapes that relationships can take. This inclusivity is perhaps the most valuable thing about this series – the variety of lifestyles and life routes that every person can take to achieve happiness.

The dialogue is sharp and believable, seemingly torn from authentic conversations, and the writing is clean and clever. At times it can be heavy on idiomatic prose, and more unique descriptions or imaginative language would improve the overall quality, but the pace is quick and there are few wasted words. As a whole, Lila Johnson has delivered another powerful and empowering read. These three-dimensional leading ladies are complex, the situations are comically engaging, and the emotional revelations are relatable, for a particularly strong installment of this entertaining series.

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