Invasion of Consecrated by Paul Slutsky

The manifest destiny of humanity expands to the stars in Invasion of Consecrated, an expansive, creative, and thrilling ride.

With his visionary Life Farms scattered across the galaxy, promising an untold number of new habitable worlds, Alan Norton has helped to drive the species forward. However, in the vast expanse of space, there is plenty of room for sinister scheming, power grabs, and the unpredictable response of the universe itself. On both a grandly cosmic scale and the level of petty human minutiae, this book explores what makes us human, and what gives life meaning. Action-packed but confident in its own depth, author Paul Slutsky achieves great balance in the story, maintaining an eager pace.

The exposition is introduced gracefully, as it slowly immerses readers in an interconnected, intergalactic future. While the first few chapters are chock-full of ideas and history, the backstory is introduced subtly, and the author demonstrates a delicate, informative touch. Some of the language is awkward, with inconsistent contractions, vague attempts at colloquial or idiomatic speech, and occasionally inorganic dialogue, but there are also many well-developed different worlds and cultures expressed in these pages, a complexity that is both ambitious and impressively executed.

With so much room to play, there are no choices too strange, nor scenarios too unbelievable, making this a genuinely fun and thought-provoking read. Bolstered by a complex yet relatable protagonist, Invasion of Consecrated is a wild and worthwhile escape.

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