Set against the stunning backdrop of British Columbia, The Talisman is an unforgettable novel by R.L. Kasprzycki that explores the rich history and traditions of Native Americans in that region of North America. Centered around the Eagleton family and a priceless talisman from their mysterious cultural past, this is a story of familial belief, cultural evolution, respect for nature, love, loss, guilt and finding peace within a changing world.
When Marie seeks to sell a precious heirloom to help her son with his future, against her husband’s wishes, she could never have predicted the chaotic series of events that would unfold. The titular talisman sits at the center of this story like a classic MacGuffin, but it is also deeply symbolic of Native American culture. Its potential sale therefore becomes a complex and philosophical crisis that is fascinating to read and dissect.
The descriptive power of the author is perhaps the most notable element of the writing. Kasprzycki excels at weaving important concepts into seemingly simple moments, making this book feel heavy with import and meaning. However, the dialogue often falls short of authentic. There is a rigidity in some of the interactions and conversations that regularly reminds readers that this is a fictional work, despite the real-world references and locations throughout BC.
For anyone interested in the rich and often overlooked history of Native Americans in British Columbia, this is an unpredictable, insightful and thought-provoking novel clearly written from a place of love and respect for the past.
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