Stephen C. PerkinsIn less than three years, the thrilling, suspenseful, and sometimes controversial book titles of Stephen C. Perkins has managed to gain a loyal and rabid audience. For a preview of the prologue, book cover, and product description of the newly released science fiction/fantasy/supernatural/thriller Sky Parlor, go now to, the only source for real alternative news! While enjoying Sky Parlor, be sure to check out the author’s other available titles at, and don’t to forget to come by for a visit and follow the author on Twitter.

Tell us about your book.

My latest book release Sky Parlor, which is available now on Amazon in both print and digital format, is an exciting and enchanting science fiction/fantasy journey into both the past and the distant future. Sky Parlor‘s fast-paced and action-filled narrative tells of the ages-old supernatural struggle between a pair of ancient gods, gods who – during pivotal time periods in human history – appear in the material realm. Suffice to say, their presence on earth develops into paradigm changing consequences for the novel’s characters, and for the course of humanity.

Why did you want to write a book?

I firmly believe books still represent a vital artistic expression, providing a perceptive vista into the human condition. In a sense, well-written books and their stories provide a psychological affirmation of everything we would like to believe about ourselves, that humans are often at their best when things are at their worst.

Why did you choose to self-publish?

Self-publishing is a rewarding avenue – creatively and otherwise – that allows the author a large measure of executive control. With the large and established publishing houses – particularly for an author yet to establish a brand name – the opposite is often the case, and the author is at the mercy of writing for whatever trends dominate the marketplace, rather than from a place of creative inspiration.

What tools or companies did you use, and what experience did you have?

I have been working with Chrissy and her hard working professional staff at I feel, they are simply the best cover designers/formatters in the world of indie publishing. My online/social media marketing has been ably handled by Eeva Lancaster at The Book Kahleesi. Not only is she personable, very professional, and great to work with, but from time-to-time, offers valuable marketing and other sage advice.

Sky Parlor by Stephen C. PerkinsWould you self-publish again?

I will continue to build my brand, and build my audience, which seems to be growing with each new release. In fact, I’m already planning the release of a new title, a science fiction/thriller entitled Grand Masquerade, which will feature a villain that doesn’t exactly exist in material form!

What do you think are the main pitfalls for indie writers?

Unfortunately, there are many “sharks” in this business, looking to exploit the grandiose dreams of neophyte authors.

What tips can you give other authors looking to self-publish?

I’m not one to normally dispense advice. However, in the final analysis, everyone must walk their own path. If anything, I would say, rather than chase trends in an attempt to achieve best-seller ranking, take the time to develop original and unique narratives, and develop your own recognizable narrative voice. I want to write books that will be remembered long after the popular trends have passed.

What was your steepest learning curve during the publishing process?

The marketing aspect of indie publishing has, perhaps, presented the biggest challenge. However, I’ve been fortunate to both meet and surround myself with a growing team of able professionals to greatly help in that regard.

As a writer, what is your schedule? How do you get the job done?

I write everyday – whether in my blog at, or working on ideas for the next book. After all, if one expects to reach the peak someday, one must always keep climbing and never give up.

How do you deal with writer’s block?

I think, as an author, I’ve been atypical in that regard. I’ve never been afflicted with “writer’s block.” I’ve found, the inspiration for stories is all around us, and we merely have to open our eyes and observe.

Tell us about the genre you wrote in, and why you chose to write this sort of book.

As most of my loyal audience is aware, my work isn’t so easily pigeonholed into one category or another. They’ve learned to quite expect the unexpected.

Review: Sky Parlor by Stephen C. Perkins

Who are your biggest writing inspirations and why?

I’ve always drawn to the work of Dickens, Fitzgerald, and Stephen King – the holy triumvirate, so to speak.

How do your friends and family get involved with your writing? What do they think of your book?

As a creative artist, I’ve never been afraid to traverse my own path, and have found I’m the better for it.

What are your plans now your book is published?

My future plans include finishing the first draft of my new book, Grand Masquerade, which will – I’m hoping, depending on the savage thrust of the editor’s dreaded red pen – be ready in time for the Christmas season.

Why did you write about this particular subject?

Science fiction/fantasy has always been a genre that, I’ve found, best accommodates social commentary, perceptive commentary on the times in which we live.

What did you learn on your journey as an author?

I’ve often heard it said: the mastering of the writing craft is best described as a marathon rather than a sprint.

What’s next for you as an author?

While everyone enjoys Sky Parlor, they can well expect a new science fiction/fantasy offering from Stephen Perkins very soon – perhaps as a gift for themselves or friends and family – found colorfully wrapped and bowed underneath the shining tinsel of their living room’s Christmas tree!

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