Set in a prehistoric, paradisiacal world of adolescent gods and nebulous powers, The Missing Spirit is a remarkably detailed and unpredictable fantasy novel by P.J. Maia.
At the center of this story is Keana, a young woman who has spent most of her life eagerly awaiting her entrance to divinity – her reawakening as a god. Before her powers can fully be developed, however, this mystical realm is disrupted by external forces, and in the form of new, dangerous ideas. Aided by her adopted parents and her closest companions, Keana must leave the only home she has known, with magical artifacts and endless questions intact, to discover the truth of her origins, and the full scope of her mighty potential.
This gripping fantasy novel escapes many of the common tropes in the genre and defies expectations in terms of character depth and creativity. The world-building is impressive, though the novel does tend towards dialogue, rather than description. This can undercut some of what the author tries to do regarding the details of this prehistoric realm. The pace of this novel is constant and thrilling, however, as is the engagement a reader should expect – things happen fast in Paradis, and the plot turns and tangles in unpredictable ways that will draw you in from the very start.
Using allegorical and moralistic moments to boost this book’s emotional impact, Maia has crafted a brilliant start to what should be a riveting, and timely saga.
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