The challenges of being a young boy are uniquely showcased in Boys, Bears, and Bubblegum, an eclectic collection of short stories and poems for children written by Carolyn Madero and illustrated by Giovanni Munari and Jane Brusetti.
The stories showcase challenges in the form of speech impediments, the terror brought on by nightmares, or the yearning to be seen as responsible – all while teaching valuable life lessons through a mixture of humor, empathy, and graceful prose. Poems like “Would You Like to Hear My Poem?” emphasize a child’s struggle to be heard over the demands of daily life.
Written for a reader just approaching middle grade fiction, Madero’s storytelling is age-appropriate and carefully considered, without ever talking down to readers, and will help children deal with everyday anxieties by conveying them as a normal part of life, as well as understand issues that may be faced by other children. Some of the illustrations may be more geared for younger children, when matched with the more-advanced level of prose, but most convey a sense of whimsy that nicely complements the segment.
A thoughtful collection and unique in the realm of children’s literature, Boys, Bears, and Bubblegum is sure to entertain and educate young readers, and will be especially helpful when shared between parent and child.
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