In Lionhearts by Ray Keating, the seventh installment in the Pastor Stepehn Grant series, readers see their pious hero, Pastor Grant, defending his country, faith and the bedrock of morality in a new setting – his home soil. When radical terrorists begin attacking Christians around the country, this man of God with a loaded Glock puts his own life on the line to fight back against the encroaching forces of evil.
With tense, sharp writing and a rapid pace to much of this novel, Keating doesn’t leave much room to breathe. Blending philosophy and theology with heroics, this particular Pastor Grant adventure feels packed with over-the-top patriotism. However, after the initial tone is set, it is difficult not to get excited and engaged by this unpredictable story.
Pastor Grant isn’t some religious Rambo spouting bromides about America. Instead, the book is a thoughtful examination of a modern-day man of the cloth who takes the task of protecting his flock far more seriously than most. With tongue-in-cheek humor, heartfelt moments, a strong narrative voice, and enough action to keep any thriller reader satisfied, as well as current fans of the series, Lionhearts is a very exciting ride.
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