Larry Kilham has traveled extensively overseas for over twenty years. He worked in several large international companies and started and sold two high-tech ventures. He received a B.S. in engineering from the University of Colorado and an M.S. in management from MIT. Larry has written books about creativity and invention, artificial intelligence and digital media, travel overseas, and three novels with an AI theme. His book website is and he looks forward to hearing from readers at Currently, he is writing a novel about free will.
Tell us about your book.
The Digital Rabbit Hole reveals that we are becoming captive in the digital universe. The portals are smartphones and the world is the Internet. We immerse ourselves in social media, we learn through packaged feel-good information, and we will leave the hard work to robots and AI. The book details digital media and discusses smartphone addiction problems. It proposes solutions to stimulate creativity and education and to recapture our humanity.
Why did you choose to self-publish?
I chose to self-publish so I wouldn’t waste a lot of time and energy dealing with prospective publishers. Also, I enjoy designing the cover and doing other aspects of book design.
Would you self-publish again?
Yes, It’s always a toss-up between self-publishing and using an established publisher. Each project should be analyzed on its own merits.
As a writer, what is your schedule? How do you get the job done?
I write in the morning when I am at my highest mental acuity. In the afternoon I work on promotion. I also often nap in the afternoon and restart, refreshed.
Tell us about the genre you wrote in, and why you chose to write this sort of book.
Nonfiction, emerging technology. This genre is best when there is big and complex data to discuss, which was my situation discussing digital media.
How do your friends and family get involved with your writing? What do they think of your book?
My wife does the first edit. She likes my topics and style, but she is a tough editor. Some friends are beta readers.
What are your plans now your book is published?
I am finishing a near future novel, Free Will Odyssey, with the theme of free will immersion via VR to treat drug addiction.
Why did you write about this particular subject?
With my knowledge of digital information technology and social media, I felt that it was time to give my readers perspective about the digital rabbit hole they are falling into.
What’s next for you as an author?
Thinking about the best genre and writing style for my future books. The Old Man and the Sea intrigues me as a model.
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