The You in You by Wilbert Hunt

Human beings have long been fascinated by the idea of something beyond this world; whether you want to call it the afterlife, a higher consciousness or even another dimension, it perennially intrigues the imagination. In The You in You, author Wilbert Hunt explains his own relationship to this other realm, accessed through out-of-body experiences.

Hunt methodically takes readers through the story of his life, making claims and suggesting possibilities that are absolutely incredible, according to the most basic definition of that word. For example, within the first ten pages, readers are posed a series of questions: “What would you think if I told you that you could see future events before they happen, that ghosts exist, and that extraterrestrials visit our planet regularly, revealing themselves to those fortunate individuals who were born with, or have developed, the requisite senses to perceive them?”

The mysterious and eyebrow-raising introduction of this book is quickly followed by a narrative of equally shocking stories. The author openly states that much of what he reports is anecdotal and fails to hold up under the strict scrutiny of established science. He then asks readers to forego the fundamentally accepted truths of society and physical existence, which is a big request, but one that his artful, cautious words, oddly enough, manages to achieve. From there he delves into his long tale of out-of-body experiences, which are often preceded by vibrations, night terrors, sleep paralysis or sexual interaction. Much of the book takes the time to explain the importance of access points to the astral realm, such as lucid dreaming and other semi-unknown practices.

The experience of reading the book is one of constant incredulity, not because the author is hyperbolic or overly forceful in his claims, but rather because this seemingly impossible narration of events is recounted in a genuinely honest way. There is no huckster charm in this book, merely the proposition of a new way of looking at the world and your place within it, so long as you’re willing to open your mind beyond what you presently believe.

One thing that is important to note is that Hunt intersperses much of the writing with biblical passages, and there is a decidedly religious or spiritual link to many of his stories and claims. His conclusions argue for a selfless offering of one’s life to God, believing that only through God can such unbelievable spiritual exploration occur. For non-religious readers, this will seem a bit heavy-handed, but the links the author makes between abstract concepts and physical practices are interesting. What Hunt promises is certainly not negative, which makes the reading enjoyable, nor are any of the proposed practices dangerous. The claims of what can be achieved are merely beyond the realm of typical comprehension or belief.

While his mastery of language as a writer is clear, the points that he so vociferously makes will likely be difficult to swallow for many readers and non-believers of out-of-body experiences, astral planes, reincarnation, life after death, and multiple universe theories. He encourages a new pursuit of the spiritual essence, but does so with such an inundation of ideas and stories that it seems almost too much to logically parse through.

While much of his anecdotal recounting has the ring of truth,  the combination of self-help, knowledge sharing and proselytizing is challenging for a reader of neutral beliefs. However, open-minded people looking for a spiritual tweak or a new perspective will enjoy many of the suggestions and practices contained in The You in You, and the quality and passion in the writing of this book cannot be denied. For those readers who are already on this path, Hunt conveys his message with thoroughness and sincerity that should open up new avenues of discovery.


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