Wolfgang EdwardsWolfgang Edwards was born in Chicago, Illinois in 1987. He has been an aspiring writer since he was a child and intends to keep writing the rest of his life.

Tell us about your book.

My book began as an idea to write short stories set in a fictional University where students’ science experiments and art projects tinkered with supernatural elements, leading to misadventures, action and horror. Eventually it came together as a cohesive series. Each story is related and the finale brings all the protagonists together for a climactic conclusion, which paves the way for the sequels I am now working on.

What tools or companies did you use, and what experience did you have?

I used BookBaby to self-publish and had a great experience, their process is simple and straightforward, and they have excellent customer support.

What did you learn on your journey as an author?

I learned that although change can be scary, it is crucial for growth and progress, I also learned that although my writing may never seem perfect to me, I can find a level of satisfaction and confidence that means I am ready to share my work.

The University of Corporeal and Ethereal StudiesWould you self-publish again?

Yes, it is simple and fast and gives me a sense of ownership and control which means a great deal to me as this book series is my priority in my life right now.

As a writer, what is your schedule? How do you get the job done?

When I got serious about finishing my book I made a point to go to a cafe every weekend with my laptop – which I never connect to the internet or wifi – and just write, or read what I already have written and edit. That way I’m not diverted by the internet, I avoid looking at my phone and I have my headphones on, playing music, so I am completely free of distractions.

Why did you want to write a book?

I love a good story. Whether I’m watching a movie or tv show, playing a video game or, obviously, reading, the story is key for me. A good plot, interesting characters and compelling style are like treats for my soul. Ever since I was a child I’ve always loved making up my own stories and by the time I was a teenager I found myself writing out countless stories just for fun. This book was the first time I developed a project to the point where I realized I really had something worth taking all the way.
Tell us about the genre you wrote in, and why you chose to write this sort of book.

Science fiction is my bread and butter. Growing up I was a huge nerd, the original “Star Wars” trilogy are still my favorite movies and most of my favorite authors are sci-fi writers. Fantasy is a close second. When I was first brainstorming my idea for a fictional University where students study the supernatural, I was also falling in love with Steampunk, a subgenre that combines elements of Sci-fi, Fantasy and sometimes Horror. To tell the stories I wanted to tell I tried to find a balance of all of these genres in something that is both fantastic and also relate-able for regular people in the real world.

Who are your biggest writing inspirations and why?

There are so many! J.K. Rowling, William Gibson, Neil Gaiman, George RR Martin, Kurt Vonnegut, Isaac Asimov, H.P. Lovecraft, Edgar Allan Poe and many more.

What are your plans now your book is published?

I hope to promote my book enough to draw a fan-base interested in the sequels I am working on. I also hope to raise enough money to fund self-publishing the print version of the book, as it is my dream to be able to sign and hand out physical copies of my book to all the family and friends who have supported and encouraged me all my life. Finally I will finish and publish the sequels, even if only my best friends read them, it just means a lot to me to complete my creative expression and share it with whoever happens to take an interest.

How do your friends and family get involved with your writing? What do they think of your book?

I am very lucky to have extremely supportive family and friends. My two oldest, closest friends helped me as my beta-readers, along with my Dad, who is a big sci-fi/fantasy fan. They gave me a lot of helpful feedback on earlier drafts of my book which informed some changes and assisted me in making tough decisions I was on the fence about. Since publication everyone has been amazingly supportive, promoting the book, sharing my social media posts and buying it, though my dream is to someday have print copies of the book to give to all my family and friends for free.

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