Debt CleanseDebt Cleanse: How To Settle Your Unaffordable Debts For Pennies On The Dollar (And Not Pay Some At All) by Jorge P. Newbery is just about the most comprehensive guide to getting out of debt without losing your credit rating you could possibly find. While most debt guides concentrate on one area of debt, Newbery has been through huge amounts of debt himself and came out the other side after going through the courts and dealing with banks and repo men several times over, so he knows how to navigate just about every single area of debt anyone could need to learn about when debt becomes an issue, from cars to houses to loans.

Newbery even discusses how to keep your goods and avoid paying the debt on them while weaving around the law. The book has handy lists to check processes and quick tips so you can dip in and out as necessary. It’s the sort of book that every household bookshelf in the States should hold just in case you might need money advice in a pinch, or in the long term for losing debt without losing credit score, or losing your goods bought on credit or mortgage when you can’t pay your installments or money owed. Recommended.

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