The Fat Girls Club by Lila Johnson follows the lives of Sissy, Nicki and Angela who join together in an effort to lose weight. The novel had the possibility of being a bit superficial and weight obsessed – and indeed Nicki and Angela aren’t too happy at first about having their weight pointed out – but losing weight is a very real concern for most everybody, and the issue is handled sensitively, and humorously. It’s also an uplifting story about friendship and how important it is to have the support of friends during difficult times.
This isn’t just a lighthearted story about friends who lose weight and have fun along the way, but how difficult losing weight can be. It’s a novel about struggle: the struggle of personal appearance, relationships, depression, and other serious issues that most anyone can relate to. Given the women have real world concerns, their stories are both relatable and believable.
That said, the novel is also full of good humor and snappy dialogue, even during the darker moments. And that’s another message in the book: not only can friendship make difficult times go a little easier, but so can having a good sense of humor. All told, it’s a good heartwarming message packaged in an entertaining read. The book definitely opens up room for a sequel, as a lot of threads are left hanging, but after being so intimate with this engaging trio, you’ll be more than interested to take a ride with them in a new book.
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