Losing Heart by Donna BrownLosing Heart by Donna Brown is a fast-paced novella that covers a wide range of emotions in a small number of pages. Helen is facing the most difficult of issues: she is in need of a heart transplant and has only five months to live. Cut to 6 months later and Helen is very much alive and isn’t quite worried about living life on the edge: she’s having an affair with her doctor, Jack, while her husband and the mother of the donor become more and more suspicious.

Though Helen is cheating on her husband, she’s a likable narrator who’s been put in a tough position. She’s truly in love with Jack and her husband is less than sympathetic. The grieving mother of the heart donor is using Helen’s guilt to insert herself into Helen’s life more and more. She’s already balancing a very tough situation, and then things take a turn for the dark…

Though on first glance Losing Heart may seem like a standard contemporary romance about an affair, Helen begins to face a real danger beyond a forbidden romance. This novella is as much a thriller as it is a romance, with a very creepy and effective villain. There’s a huge amount at stake: Helen’s health, her love life, her career, her relationship with her daughter, and finally her life. Losing Heart is a breezy romantic thriller that will keep you turning the pages. Just when Helen thinks all is safe, her life takes a turn for the worse.

The writing of Losing Heart races off the page, but is still filled with rich emotion and detail. The characters are well-rounded and believable, which makes this romantic thriller especially compelling.

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