Tweeting your book is a tricky proposition. It can seem a lot like spam if you do it too often. Some say you shouldn’t do it at all:

The dumb-ass secret to promoting your book on Twitter is:

Don’t tweet about your book.

Shouting about yourself and your achievements (which is exactly what you’re doing when you tweet about your book) is the fastest, easiest and laziest way to get ignored on Twitter.

That may be a bit much. Everything in moderation. If you’re shy about potentially annoying your followers, and still want to get the word out, one method is to hire a tweet service. Because those services accounts are all opt-in, followers are actively looking for book deals.

This case study is interesting and shows how book tweeting can work. Here are her results.

Book Tweeting

Honestly, that’s better than I thought it would be. She didn’t break even, but one book sale could potentially lead to good word of mouth. The verdict is: book tweets aren’t ignored and can lead to sales.

Before you start, check out this article as well: How to write an effective book tweet – important info because these services let you write your own tweets.

The above case study used the first service on the list.

Pay Sites

Book Tweeting

@TweetYourBooks @WriteIntoPrint @TweetYourNovel
@TweetYourEbook  @BookBuzzers  @TweetsForBooks

They also run the site

Cost: $29-$125



@eBooksHabit, @eBooksWeLove, @TheBookTweeters, @eBooktweeters, @eBookPriceDrop

Cost: $19-$75


Author Alliance

$28.00 Tweet at least once per day for a week.
$68.00 Tweet at least once per day for a month.
$150.00 Tweet at least once per day for a year.
The tweets go out twice a day, once each on @authoralliance & @readersalliance for all orders. Tweets go to site.


Indie Author Success

The Social Media Blow out is a 72 hour (3 day) Social media frenzy Where our entire team markets your book 24 hours a day on all of their social media accounts, including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, and Linkdin

Price – $40



$59 – includes other promotional options in addition to tweeting. Tweets go to the site rather than Amazon.

Whizbuzz sends book posts less than 12 months old to Twitter via @whizbuzz  (hourly) and @justpublishing (3 hourly) on a regular and rotational basis, which brings ongoing traffic to your book’s post, either directly when it is Tweeted, or by your book appearing in the 12 More Good Reads which appears under every book post on Whizbuzz. We are now also regularly Tweeting book cover images on both our @whizbuzz and @justpublishing Twitter accounts.


Books Go Social & Services 4 Authors

$49 for $100 tweets – tweets go to the site (mentions that the price will be going up)


Masquerade Crew

$20-$40 for 500-1000 tweets (though there aren’t nearly that many on the site’s main twitter feed)

Also has a free tweet exchange.


Novel Publicity

A bit different – offers a “Twitterview” (Twitter Interview) for $75. Here’s an example.

Free Services


Send us a tweet beginning with ‘announcement’ to share the latest news about your book. We’ll retweet and encourage others to do the same.


Tweet us your book promo and we will re-tweet it for you.


Send Tweet to @FreeBookPromo & We Will ReTweet It


Indie Author Retweet Group: Simply follow to join, then add #IARTG in any tweet you want us to re-tweet.

eBook Discovery

Retweet one of our ebook-related tweets and we will retweet one of yours to our growing fan-base of  readers. You can find us at @eBook_Romance and @eBook_Thrillers

Also has pay promotions for Facebook.

Other Services

These aren’t book tweeting services, but if you join the site, they’ll tweet your author or book profile.

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