Via Smashwords, which calls this a “Game Changer for eBook Retailing,” Apple’s new mobile operating system is going to come pre-loaded with the iBooks store app. What this means is that people who maybe weren’t so ebook friendly are going to have ebooks as part of the billion iPhones and iPads currently floating around.
Buried in a slide during the live demo event referenced as “iOS 8 features we didn’t have time to talk about” was an ebook retailing bombshell: iBooks will come pre-installed on iOS 8.
The iBooks app is Apple’s ebook store. Inside that app is over 250,000 books from Smashwords authors.
This is a game-changer for ebook retailing….
It’ll be like having a bookstore in nearly one billion pockets and purses. It’s not a stretch to speculate that within a couple years, the iBooks app will be ever-present on over one billion devices around the world.
So distribute to Apple if you aren’t already – this move will help Apple combat the list of writers who are publishing on KDP Select exclusively. iOS 8 is available this fall.
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A Windows version of iBooks like there’s one of iTunes would make the iBookstore much more competitive with Amazon.