In this roundup: As recently discussed here at SPR, we are inching closer to the day when self-published eBooks will be stocked by libraries. Consider using your author platform to promote your local library’s eBook lending policy and make friends with your local library ahead of time. Also, is landing a publishing deal for your self-published book one of your big dreams? Plus, tips on how to know if your eBook has been pirated, and what you can do if it happens.

Two items from TeleRead regarding eBooks and libraries. First, “ALA OITP releases backgrounder document on eBooks and libraries” by Sue Polanka:

2% of e-book readers have borrowed an e-book from their library

62% of people don’t know they can borrow e-books from their library

69% of people report the library is important to them and their family

Many people would like to learn more about borrowing e-books

E-book borrowers appreciate the selection of e-books at their local library, but they often encounter difficulty borrowing

Also, check out “Britain’s Labor Party calls for independent taskforce on ebook lending’ by Paul Biba

Next, a big publishing deal and the thing about publishing with a big publisher: First, an Associated Press story via The Sacramento Bee: “Atria Books acquires self-published romance hit”:

Atria Books announced Tuesday that it had signed up Jamie McGuire’s “Beautiful Disaster,” to be released immediately as an e-book. A paperback will follow in August.

And from the Penelope Trunk Blog: “How I got a big advance from a big publisher and self-published anyway”:

To be clear, I wrote my book, and they paid me my advance, in full. Three months before the publication date, the PR department called me up to “coordinate our efforts.” But really, their call was just about giving me a list of what I was going to do to publicize the book. I asked them what they were going to do. They had no idea. Seriously. They did not have a written plan, or any list, and when I pushed one of the people on this first call to give me examples of what the publishers would do to promote my book, she said “newsgroups.”

I assumed I was misunderstanding. I said, “You mean like newsgroups from the early 90s? Those newsgroups? USENET?”

Last but not least, “How To Save Your eBook from Pirates” from Jason Boog on AppNewser , via Galley Cat:

For all the authors, publishers and readers who want to defend digital books against piracy, we’ve put together a simple five-step plan to discover and prevent eBook piracy.

As always, don’t forget to check out the comments.

Image credit: “Businesspeople using pages from a book to reach new heights” via Microsoft Office

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