Raise your hand if you’re guilty…
I’m raising my hand, both actually, because I’m totally, 100% guilty…
…of wanting free stuff. Free gift with purchase? I’m so there! Free samples at Sams? Get in line. Free reads? You know it!
I’ve discovered an awesome way to share digital content with readers in a way that doesn’t cost them a dime and yet gives the author the promotion and recognition they deserve. Did you read the “doesn’t cost a dime” part?
As the website says: Get it for free! In exchange we just ask you to post a Tweet about it.
Got it? No cash. No loose change. Leave your ATM card at home people.
So what is this magical genie lamp? It’s called Pay with a Tweet and technically, you can pay with a facebook post too. As you know, name recognition is more important than ever for authors these days. And since social media is such a large part of many authors’ marketing plan, Pay with a Tweet makes it super easy for readers to get free goodies while supporting the authors they love.
Here’s how it works.
The author sets up a Pay with a Tweet button. They give the file name where readers will download the free read along with a name of the file (usually the title) and a landing page that references this free read and payment button.
As a reader, you go to the author’s landing page, click on the Pay with a Tweet link or button. You’ll be taken to the Pay with a Tweet website and you’ll be asked to login to Twitter (or Facebook). Once you’ve signed in, you automatically bop right back over to Pay with a Tweet. The system is set up to send a single tweet to twitter via your account. The page has two text boxes.
The top text box includes a prewritten message by the author. YOU CAN EDIT THIS TEXT.
The second text box includes a short url. This URL takes you to the author’s landing page. It is not editable and it will show in your tweet (or facebook post).
As it says on Pay with a Tweet: Pay with a Tweet will only post this one tweet, not more. You can edit the text of the tweet, but not the URL. So whatever you will tweet, keep in mind that the URL to this download stays attached to it.
Once you press the big Post Tweet and Download Now button you’ll see a popup confirming that you do in fact want to post a tweet/post. Once you say “heck yeah, tweet it!” You’ll be taken to a download page. Just click the Get it Now button and the book is yours!
See? Simple as 1 – 2 – 3. Login. Post. Download.
You’ll have new reading material in a minute or less (depending on your internet connection of course.)
Want to test out the magical genie? I’m offering the latest chapter of my ongoing paranormal Free Read, Ready & Willing via Pay with a Tweet.
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Oh, I love SPR and all of its generous members.
Pay With A Tweet! Yes!
I am giving away, on Smashwords, ‘Eliza of Fair Haven’, a Victorian-era historical novel and I would love it if the past four hours’ 49 download-readers were to ‘Pay With A Tweet’. A great tip to pass on to my friends. Thank you!
What a brilliant idea! Thanks for sharing this.