I have been asked several times this month what I think are the best current sources of information for the eBook author. I think research is a key element in an indie’s quest for success so I spend a lot of time reading blogs and books on publishing and writing.

I did a little research on my research and this is what I came up with. These are my favorites. You may not agree or I have left a good blog out but at least this list could be a starting point for the would-be author.

I have over 100 blogs queued up in Google Reader. I started with a modest list and as I saw what kinds of content they were providing, I adjusted my list. Some of the blogs I follow are related to libraries and education and or not included in the following list.

I skim the title and if it is something I am interested in, I either read it quickly, print it out for future reference or bookmark it.

You will need to prune your list to your needs. For example, some blogs that are rated highly by some list sources, I don’t follow. I am looking for information and ideas not at how good they are or how successful they have become. One successful writer was recommended and I bookmarked the blog. After a month or so I deleted that blog from my list. The writer’s sales numbers was not the type of information I was looking for.

The following is my list by topic of blogs and books I have found the best sources of information.


Cats Eye Writer – Judy Dunn

Judy’s blogging advice is a must read if you’re going to market your ebook through the blogosphere.

Book Design and Covers

The Book Designer – Joel Friedlander

His Goal: “To help publishers and authors who decide to publish their own books get to market with a great looking, properly constructed book, on time and on budget.”

Book Making – Michael N. Marcus

Michael byline: “He discusses writing, editing, publishing and sometimes none of the
above. Sometimes he draws attention to inept publishers and writers. It’s his duty
and his compulsion.”


Book Trends Blog – Bob Spear

Bob’s blog is always a good read. It is directed to the ebook author. He seems to touch all phases of the ebook experience.

Marketing – how to

Author Marketing Experts, Inc. – Penny Sansevieri

Her bio states “I started Author Marketing Experts, Inc because I’m an author and I wanted to give authors a company that understood them, knew the publishing industry and knew what they wanted.”

Marketing Tips For Authors – Tony Eldridge

Tony’s blog is one of the most helpful blogs in the ebook industry from the marketing point of view. His site states: “He … shares his book marketing tips with fellow authors through his blog and through his free video marketing tips for authors.”

Writing and Publishing Assistance

A Book Inside – How to Write and Publish a Book – Carol Denbow

Her by-line: “How to Write a Fiction, Non-Fiction Book, or Novel, find a Publisher or Publishing Option, and Market Your Book for Free. Tips and Expert Advice.”

Indie Author – April L. Hamilton

April’s by-line: “I’m now offering professional services to self-publishers: editing (developmental, copyediting & proofreading), formatting for print or ebook publication (Kindle, iBook, Smashwords, epub, etc.), ebook conversion/setup, cover design, and general publishing and author platform consultation by phone or email.”

Self-Publishing Resources – Sue Collier

This is a great source of information for self-publishing authors. Her blog states: “We know the challenges self-publishing authors face, and we’re experts at guiding them to success.  From initial book development through winning promotion and sales, we know how to assist authors to surpass their personal and professional publishing goals.”

The Creative Penn – Joanna Penn

Joanna is an author and blogger with great ideas for the indie ebook author. She states: “I wanted to share this information with other people who want to become authors, because I found the traditional publishing route confusing, too difficult and slow when I first started. I also made a lot of mistakes that I want to help others avoid!”

The Publishing Maven – Christy Pinheiro

Christy’s blog always has great information and ideas on publishing. She has a small press that publishes nonfiction books.

Workshop and Training

All Smart Cookies – Emily Hill

She conducts workshops and seminars in the northwest. She stresses coaching for indie authors with a section on the Self-publishing guidelines with Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Smashwords.

Helpful books I have read recently

A Self-Publisher’s Companion – Joel Friedlander

Joel does a great job in discussing self-publishing, blogging and the social networking part of the book business. This is a great extension to his blogging site, www.thebookdesigner.com.

Since most publishers have deserted the ebook author in the marketing task, you need the knowledge Joel presents to get started in the right direction.

All Smart Cookies Can Self-Publish – Emily Hill

This is a quick guide which discusses the step-by-step list of elements necessary to self-publisher an ebook with lots of linked references. Best advice to a new ebook author: “When your first book comes out, be prepared for nothing much to happen. That’s normal.”

Two other good books I have read recently that are directed at self-publishing authors are:

The Complete Guide to Self-Publishing – Sue Collier and Marilyn Ross

The Step-by-Step Guide to Self-Publishing for Profit! Start Your Own Home-Based Publishing Company and Publish Your Non-Fiction Book with CreateSpace and Amazon – Christy Pinheiro

All the blogs on my list I follow religiously. The books on my list I have read recently and I have taken away something from each one of them. I know my research is not complete but this got me started.

Let me know what you think of my list. I found them very helpful. Please add to the list other valuable references.

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Or EMAIL at: jrm@hbspub.com

Or go to my blog: The eBook Author Corner

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