Monthly Archives: May 2010

Flash Mob at Amazon

Experiment: Internet flash mob for digital content known as Drummer Boy

Hypothesis: A concentrated cluster of sales can stimulate a book’s Amazon rankings and lead to more sales

First, this wasn’t a calculated, well-organized campaign. While I spent a year planning the launch for release of The Red Church in mass-market paperback, I got the flash mob idea about a week ago. The marketing was mostly limited to my Twitter account (178 followers), Myspace (10,000 friends), Facebook (1,300 friends), and the forums at Kindleboards, Mobilereads, and, to a limited extent, Amazon. The biggest megaphone was J.A. Konrath’s Newbie’s […]

2011-10-08T18:19:04+02:00May 12th, 2010|Categories: Features|

Lulu Has it Together

This was a comment on the Get it Together, Lulu post.  Warrants its own post:

I don’t work for Lulu, but I do work for one of their competitors. And while I find it amusing to see them get bashed by bloggers on a regular basis, there are a few points that I think you should consider when you create your posts.

1. Self-publishing companies have to make money in order to exist. If they can’t make money, then they can’t help people publish their books. So, complaining that they have a profit component to their business model isn’t […]

2011-10-08T18:19:25+02:00May 12th, 2010|Categories: Publisher Reviews|

Distribute to Bookstores! Maybe!


Calling All Self-Published Authors!

Do you yearn to see your book in book chains, your local independent book store, catalogs and on all of the major book-selling websites beside

Would you like to be doing 30 or more broadcast and internet radio shows that showcase and promote personal development authors — and then see your sales leap as a result?

Are you too overwhelmed with work, promotion and coaching to launch a social marketing campaign for your book?

Do you have $7500 and want to give up 30% of sales? So it goes. Nobody ever […]

2011-10-08T18:27:08+02:00May 11th, 2010|Categories: Publisher Reviews|

Get it Together, Lulu

Lulu’s been exhibiting quite a few problems lately.  Here are two posts on Lulu’s mishandling of ebooks and their clients.  The first is reprinted from Mike Cane’s iPad Test blog, titled Lulu And The iBookstore: Say NO!

Get Your eBook in the Apple iBookstore

Don’t do it.

Here’s why.

Lulu says:

ISBNs. Apple requires ISBNs on eBooks. Lulu can assign one for free.

And who will own that ISBN? If you’re getting it for free, I doubt that’s going to be you. See why ISBN ownership matters.

Lulu says:

Validation. Apple has a strict file validation process. All files

2011-10-08T18:27:50+02:00May 10th, 2010|Categories: Lead Story, Publisher Reviews|
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