April Hamilton who runs the excellent Publetariat site and the Indie Author blog – and is generally one of the best advocates of independent publishing – has put together a list of the ten best blogs for indie authors on Blogs.com. Included on the list are SPR’s own Mick Rooney, as well as Populist Publisher, Publishing Renaissance, and the Creative Penn.
Funnily enough, this runs counter to a bad review yesterday of the self-publishing book review blogosphere, which indirectly critiqued Self-Publishing Review – without mentioning the site by name. Can’t please everybody, and if you run a website you’re up for the same kind of criticism – pro and against – as if you write a book.
Follow April on Twitter.
Also on Twitter featured in the article:
The Creative Penn
Publishing Renaissance
Lulu Book Review
And if you want some evidence of how a post can filter through the Twittersphere, check these results: http://search.twitter.com/search?q=indieauthor+top+10.
Update: April Hamilton has a great piece on TeleRead (a great resource) about the state of publishing:
Media megas have a right to make a buck just like any other business, but the greedy, blockbuster-centric mentality they’ve used to bring the mainstream film and TV industries to heel is now being forcibly applied to book publishing… In the 2002 writingonyourpalm.net article “What’s Wrong With Publishing,” writer Jeff Kirvin laments, “In a business that traditionally makes maybe 4-6% profit in a good year, today’s stockholders are demanding 15-18%. That’s a lot of pressure for editors and publishers to find books that will sell….
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HI Henry, thanks for the mention! It’s great to be in such wonderful company. I particularly appreciated the post as it meant I could add your blog (and the others!) to my daily reading list.
I look forward to reading and tweeting more of your posts! Thanks, Joanna