Even if you don’t have a book review site, this is a great resource if you’re a science fiction or fantasy author…
From Grasping for the Wind:
My list of fantasy and sf book reviewers is woefully out of date. I need your help to fix that. But rather than go through the hassle of having you send me recommendations or sticking them in comments, what you can do is take the following list and stick it on your website, then add yourself to the list, preferably in alphabetical order. That way, I will be able to track it across the web from back links, and can add each new blog to my roll as it comes along. So take this list, add it to your blog, and add a link to your blog on it. If you are already on the list, repost this meme at your blog so others can see it, and find new blogs from the links others put up on their blogs. Everybody wins! Be sure to send the list around to others as well. There is an easy to copy window of all the links and text at the bottom of this post to make it even simpler to do.
I would be ever so grateful if you would help me out.
7 Foot Shelves
The Accidental Bard
A Boy Goes on a Journey
A Dribble Of Ink
A Hoyden’s Look at Literature
Adventures in Reading
The Agony Column
Andromeda Spaceways
The Antick Musings of G.B.H. Hornswoggler, Gent.
Ask Daphne
Australia Specfic In Focus
Author 2 Author
Barbara Martin
Bees (and Books) on the Knob
Best SF
Bibliophile Stalker
Big Dumb Object
The Billion Light-Year Bookshelf
Bitten by Books
The Black Library Blog
Blog, Jvstin Style
Blood of the Muse
The Book Bind
The Book Smugglers
The Book Swede
Breeni Books
Cheaper Ironies [pro columnist]
Cheryl’s Musings
Critical Mass
The Crotchety Old Fan
Damien G. Walter
Danger Gal
It’s Dark in the Dark
Dark Wolf Fantasy Reviews
Darque Reviews
Dave Brendon’s Fantasy and Sci-Fi Weblog
Dear Author
The Deckled Edge
Dragons, Heroes and Wizards
The Discriminating Fangirl
Dusk Before the Dawn
Enter the Octopus
Eve’s Alexandria
Fantastic Reviews
Fantastic Reviews Blog
Fantasy Book Critic
Fantasy Cafe
Fantasy Debut
Fantasy Book Reviews and News
Fantasy and Sci-fi Lovin’ Blog
Feminist SF – The Blog!
The Fix
The Foghorn Review
Frances Writes
From a Sci-Fi Standpoint
Fruitless Recursion
The Future Fire
The Galaxy Express
The Gamer Rat
Garbled Signals
Genre Reviews
Graeme’s Fantasy Book Review
Grasping for the Wind
The Green Man Review
Gripping Books
Highlander’s Book Reviews
The Hub Magazine
Hyperpat’s Hyper Day
I Hope I Didn’t Just Give Away The Ending
Ink and Keys
Lair of the Undead Rat
League of Reluctant Adults
The Lensman’s Children
Literary Escapism
Marooned: Science Fiction Books on Mars
Michele Lee’s Book Love
The Mistress of Ancient Revelry
MIT Science Fiction Society
Monster Librarian
More Words, Deeper Hole
Mostly Harmless Books
My Favourite Books
Neth Space
The New Book Review
OF Blog of the Fallen
The Old Bat’s Belfry
The Ostentatious Ogre
Outside of a Dog
Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist
Piaw’s Blog
Post-Weird Thoughts
Publisher’s Weekly
Realms of Speculative Fiction
Reading the Leaves
Reviewer X
The Road Not Taken
Rob’s Blog o’ Stuff
Robots and Vamps
Sandstorm Reviews
Science Fiction Times
Sci Fi Wire
Sci-Fi Fan Letter
The Sci-Fi Gene
Sci-Fi Songs [Musical Reviews]
Scifi UK Reviews
Self-Publishing Review
The Sequential Rat
Severian’s Fantastic Worlds
SF Diplomat
SF Gospel
SF Reviews.net
SF Revu
SF Signal
SF Site
SFF World’s Book Reviews
Silver Reviews
Smart Bitches, Trashy Books
Solar Flare
Speculative Fiction
Speculative Fiction Junkie
Speculative Horizons
The Specusphere
Spiral Galaxy Reviews
Spontaneous Derivation
Sporadic Book Reviews
Stainless Steel Droppings
Stella Matutina
The Sudden Curve
The Sword Review
Tangent Online
Tehani Wessely
Temple Library Reviews
Tor.com [also a publisher]
True Science Fiction
Vast and Cool and Unsympathetic
Variety SF
Walker of Worlds
Wands and Worlds
The Wertzone
With Intent to Commit Horror
WJ Fantasy Reviews
The World in a Satin Bag
Non-English Language
Cititor SF [Romanian, but with English Translation]
Elbakin.net [French]
Mythologica [French]
Foundation of Krantas [Chinese (traditional)]
The SF Commonwealth Office in Taiwan [Chinese with some English essays]
Yenchin’s Lair [Chinese (traditional)]
Interstellar [Danish]
Ommadawn.dk [Danish]
Scifisiden [Danish]
Aguarras [Brazilian, Portuguese]
Fernando Trevisan [Brazilian, Portuguese]
Human 2.0 [Brazilian, Portuguese]
Life and Times of a Talkative Bookworm [Brazilian, Porteguese]
Ponto De Convergencia [Brazilian, Portuguese]
pós-estranho [Brazilian, Portuguese]
Skavis [Brazilian, Portuguese]
Fantasy Seiten [German, Deustche]
Fantasy Buch [German, Deustche]
Literaturschock [German, Deustche]
Welt der fantasy [German, Deustche]
Bibliotheka Phantastika [German, Deustche]
SF Basar [German, Deustche]
Phantastick News [German, Deustche]
X-zine [German, Deustche]
Buchwum [German, Deustche]
Phantastick Couch [German, Deustche]
Wetterspitze [German, Deustche]
Fantasy News [German, Deustche]
Fantasy Faszination [German, Deustche]
Fantasy Guide [German, Deustche]
Zwergen Reich [German, Deustche]
Fiction Fantasy [German, Deustche]
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Thank you for doing this for all of us and for our chosen genre.
I review science fiction and fantasy along with a number of other genres.
Sorry, I know you said not to comment like this to add to your list, but I hope you’ll forgive me. 🙂 “Servant of a Dark God” just came out on October 13th of this year and it is fantastic. It’s John Brown’s first book and he did a great job. He’s in the same vein as Brandon Sanderson, so if you like his stuff, you would be all about John Brown.
John Brown also has a great blog – you should check it out. http://johndbrown.com/novels/