Obviously, I’m a self-publishing advocate, but I can acknowledge that there are some hilariously bad self-published books out there.  Thankfully, they haven’t come my way in the form of submissions.  Maybe my reviews have been too critical, but it’s my experience it’s the people who write the better books who are the most obsessed with marketing – see Kristen Tsetsi and Frank Daniels.  So maybe the people who write more-ridiculous titles don’t send their books out that often.

Thankfully there are sites like Selfpublishedbooks.info, which is a kind of anti-Self-Publishing Review, as it only lives to mock self-published titles.  I suppose I could be offended by this, but there’s no denying the inherent ridiculousness of a lot of self-published books.  Then again, when you look back at books that were published traditionally in the past, they look ridiculous too.  In short, there are many books that are ridiculous, whoever puts them out.

Still, I would have to imagine that some of the books on that site are written by people who don’t take themselves too seriously, such as:

At least, I hope that author doesn’t take himself seriously.  Then there’s:

The first paragraph of the forward reads (major sic):

Writing a book is an easy task. You can tell this from the thousands of books that are written every. But writing a good book is a difficult task.

Precisely.  Those two books are both published by Lulu (where I printed myself).  Unfortunately, when you type bad self-published books into Google, Lulu comes up first.  There are probably a lot more where that came from, but thankfully the person who runs that site looks through these books so I don’t have to.

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