Dave Chesson
A Guest Post by Kindlepreneur’s Dave Chesson on the importance of the Amazon Author Page.
In the increasingly crowded world of self-publishing, it’s important for authors to do everything in their power to stand out from their competitors.
Of course, a quality book is always the best way. There is no substitute for a carefully crafted, well-edited book with an attractive cover.
While an author’s book is and always will be the main way to attract sales and fans, it is far from the only way. In fact, as more and more self-published authors up their game in terms of the quality of their product, it is essential to seek out other opportunities to make an impression on readers.
One of the best ways is by crafting an Amazon author page to connect with fans and give them a taste of your world as an author.
So what exactly are the three golden rules for an effective author page?
Express Yourself
Above all else, readers want to understand exactly who their favorite writers are and what makes them tick. If you’ve ever attended an author Q&A , you will be well aware that the questions are as much about the author themselves as their work.
Your Author Page is a way to show who you are, and what you’re about, to anyone who stumbles across your work online.
Put yourself in the shoes of a book browser. If you were on the fence about buying a particular book, reading an author page that left with you with a positive impression might just be the deciding factor to make you click ‘buy’.
By conveying your authentic personality, you increase the chance of connecting with readers who won’t just buy your books, but become your fans. Nothing is more valuable.
Share Your Content
Author pages offer the chance to share existing author content, such as videos and blog posts, directly on the book sales platform.
Think about how beneficial this is. Attracting the right people to your content is a challenge at the best of times. By sharing the content directly with the book buying marketplace itself, retailers such as Amazon do the legwork for you. They attract interested readers with a buyer mindset and expose them to your work. This is a significant boost for your book marketing plan.
Sharing your content on your author page is also a way to do more with less. By linking your blog content to your author page, for example, you have a chance of more people reading it than if it was only featured on your blog. This means that you experience a greater level of return for the same amount of work. The same applies for video. If you have taken the time to record an author video, then sharing it on your author page puts it in front of people who may never have otherwise found it.
Form A Connection
In order to make the most from your author page, you should see it very much as a connection opportunity. See it as a place for dialogue rather than monologue.
Different authors achieve connection with their readers in different ways, but some common principles apply. You should try and be responsive to comments that are left on your blog or video content. You don’t have to reply to each and every comment, but replying to at least the first few is good practice. By doing so, you encourage readers to comment and interact, as they know they could get a response.
It’s also good to list the various ways your fans can get in touch with you, such as social media accounts or a mailing list. You should ensure that any accounts you share are active and offer some value to your fans.
Author Page Final Thoughts
You now know some of the most important principles behind creating an epic author page and connecting with your fans. Remember, your author page is a unique chance for you to convey your author identity and form a genuine connection. By being your authentic self, and taking the time to reach out to those who enjoy your work, you are laying the foundations for a long-term, successful author career.
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